索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)Xperia X10 Android 2.3.3系统Root指南





  • 一部安装有索尼爱立信官方2.3.3系统的X10(通过官方途径升级或是强刷皆可)
  • 下载固件刷写工具FlashTool,解压于任意文件夹内
  • 下载root所需的基带包(其一其二),将ftf文件置于flashtool所在文件夹下的firmwares文件夹内
  • 确保X10有充足的电力完成root
  1. 在手机的 设置-应用程序 中激活 “安装任意来源的apk包” 选项,在 设置-应用程序-开发 中激活“USB调试”选项。
  2. 关闭手机
  3. 打开flashtool,点击左上角的“刷写”按钮,在左侧列表中选择“X10_aZuZu_Kernel_Downgrade_Generic.ftf”,在右侧列表中复数选择loader.sin和kernel.sin两个文件。
  4. 点击Ok,弹出新窗口。按照其提示拔出USB线(如果原本手机和电脑相连接的话)、按住手机返回键的同时再次连接USB线,之后Flashtool会自动开始刷写。
  5. 等Flashtool完成刷写后拔出USB线(注意要确实等待刷写完成,整个过程约30秒,完成后会有包含finished内容的文字提示)。不要关闭Flashtool。
  6. 打开手机,并迅速连接USB线。可能会自动安装USB驱动等内容。这时不必操作,等待一切准备就绪后Flashtool上的第二个按钮“root”将会变得可以被按下,此时选择“root”按钮。
  7. 当root完成后(同样flashtool会有包含finished的文字提示),拔出USB线,取出电池,等待至少三十秒。
  8. 点击Flashtool左上角的“刷写”按钮,在左侧列表中选择“X10_aZuZu_Kernel_UpGrade_Generic.ftf”,在右侧列表中复数选择loader.sin和kernel.sin两个文件。
  9. 点击Ok,弹出新窗口。按照其提示拔出USB线(如果原本手机和电脑相连接的话)、关机、按住手机返回键的同时再次连接USB线,之后Flashtool会自动开始刷写。
  10. 等Flashtool完成刷写后拔出USB线(再次注意须确实完成刷写),打开手机。Root成功。


root后程序列表中会新增一个superuser程序,它的作用是管理root权限。之后可以从Android Market中下载安装Market Enabler以修改手机地区信息,或是下载钛备份等程序以删除不需要的预装程序,或是更多。


《索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)Xperia X10 Android 2.3.3系统Root指南》有6个想法

    1. I’m sorry that I cannot understand what you said clearly. I’ll explain it in English again: In step 4, you would see an pop-up window with animation and text informing that you should remove the USB cable and hold the BACK key of your X10( Notice that the phone is powered-off now) then connect the USB cable again(Do NOT release the BACK key until the pop-up window of Flashtool disappears). In step 5, Flashtool will automatically flash your phone. The only thing you need to do is that removing the USB cable again. Do NOT quit Flashtool. In step 6, turn on you phone again and connnect the USB cable as soon as your phone has viberated. After that you will see the Sony Ericsson Logo for a period of time, just wait patiently until the ROOT button of Flashtool is enabled.

  1. My problem is after flash downgrade kernel, my X10 reboot but flashtool do not detect it and root button still disable. After few tries noticed that it is driver problem, need to go device manager to reinstall the driver for X10i. After installed, flashtool immediately detect x10i and i am able to proceed with root. After root, flashtool do not detect again. So i performed the same steps then able to detect x10 for me to proceed with flashing upgradekernal

    1. So you mean that you’ve successfully rooted your X10 now? Well, what you said is exactly true. Flashtool needs a phone driver to detect the X10, and most of the problems happen in this step. If the computer connot install the driver, the process will not progress. Generally Windows will automatically install the driver so I did not mention it above, preventing from confusing people who are not familiar with it. I just said “wait patiently until the ROOT button of Flashtool is enabled”. You’re right, I should write it clearly. Thank you.

  2. 关于Root中可能发生的问题的一点补充:



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